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New Policy Brief Developed In Collaboration Between ANU and Defence Science and Technology Group

In June 2024, Dr Zena Assaad from the School of Engineering led the first theory to practice workshop in collaboration with the ANU Institute for Space and Defence Science and Technology Group. This workshop focused on trustworthy autonomy and AI in safety-critical domains. This policy brief provides a summary of the key themes which emerged from the event and presents four recommendations moving forward.

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Announcement of ANU Defence Institute

The Australian National University has announced a new Defence Institute to help coordinate strategic activities between ANU, Defence and Defence industry across research, education and engagement.

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New Policy Brief Developed In Collaboration Between ANU and Defence Science and Technology Group

In June 2024, Dr Zena Assaad from the School of Engineering led the first theory to practice workshop in collaboration with the ANU Institute for Space and Defence Science and Technology Group. This workshop focused on trustworthy autonomy and AI in safety-critical domains. This policy brief provides a summary of the key themes which emerged from the event and presents four recommendations moving forward.